Wednesday, April 14, 2010


what do Phat (read: fat) Yaya Sister do when they get depressed and think that the world is not being fair to their existence?

They get together and eat while thinking of plan for world domination and a possible imprisonment of every single man in the world except for the one with six packs and gossiping on the excessive plastic and cosmetic surgery undergone by most prominent politicians and politicians wife and what they should and should not change instead.

and they eat again...

and again....


but before that, let see my new toy.

introducing ....

jeng jeng jeng...

my new mouse....

a five button made in Germany wireless laser mouse name cherry.

A gift from Bob Chub when me and my habibie visited him in Penang. Semoga di murahkan rezeki.

Cantik kan.

Kembali pada isu permakanan 3 orang kakak-kakak Yaya Phat Sister di Uptown Damansara. Yang mulanya hanyalah perjumpaan biasa untuk having a cuppa gitu.

dan hasilnya

start dengan something healthy gitu. Rojak Buah

Then we had Yong Tau Foo

Then Nasik Goreng

Then Kueh Teow Goreng

Then Mee Goreng

The chicken Omelet

Then Sotong Goreng

Then Half Kilo Udang Goreng

The a fucking succulent boneless whole Lemon Chicken.

Yes!!! Whole.. you heard it right.

Then we are oke. Fine and dandy

No matter how ugly our politician can be or how chauvinistic pig some men can be, it does not matter anymore...

when we have food.

And we have Yaya Sisters

Total Cost : RM80



Tia said...

ni namanya melantak...he he he. best kalau dapat join Yaya Sister nie! ada borang ke?

Pnut said...

korang bela jin ke hantu raya ni??
melantak punya banyak cenggitu????
sujud meksss tengok selera makan korang

Leen AshBurn said...

uih dah lama tak pergi lepak uptown.aB

Anonymous said...

ape nama kedai yg jual boneless chicken tu?? sedap ya amat tgknya.